We have also now launched a Twitter feed as another way to keep up to date with our activities. Follow us as @ditchlingfilm on Twitter
Author: admin
Ditchling Film now on Instagram
We are pleased to announce that we are now sharing our programme of events on Instagram. This is another easy way to keep up to date with our programme and never miss a film.
Search for @ditchlingfilmsoc on Instagram
Christmas Film Special: 1 December
Ditchling Film Society are pleased to announce that we are back, with an invigorated committee and are busy planning a Spring/Summer programme for 2023.
In the meantime we are showing Love Actually on 1 December, accompanied by mulled wine and mince pies. Doors open from 7:15pm and the film starts at 8pm. We look forward to welcoming you back with this classic romantic comedy, suitable for age 15+

Follow DFS on Facebook
As well as a new website, we are expanding our presence to include other media. If you are a Facebook user, we would encourage you to find and follow Ditchling Film Society

Mailing List
Ditchling Film Society are pleased to launch a new email list so that members can stay up to date with upcoming events and never miss a film. We will only use this to remind you about our showings and will keep the volume of emails low to avoid overcrowding your mail box.
To stay in touch with DFS please complete the form on our website. Your details won’t be shared with third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time.